Boston, here I come!
I will be visiting your fine city from May 26th to the 30th. Please email me to make an appointment, as I do not answer my phone. Three weeks should be ample time to fashion a succinct, polite missive requesting a session.
Go Sawx!
What is it about Boston anyway? Is there sumpthin' in that dirty, dirty water?
I love the Red Sox. I don't care who I am offending by saying this. They're a solid, well-oiled machine that is a joy to watch.
Their fans (and their marketing agenda) leave something to be desired. I used to live in Boston, so I can say that. They're obsessed. And obnoxious.
You love the Red Sox and you love Jason Varitek. (You and Heidi Watney.) What are you gonna do when the Red Sox play the Mets in the World Series?
I love the Mets and have since I was a kid, but I must admit that it is a fucking emotional roller coaster to watch them play. Not to mention that Ollie Perez is now out, and I feel they perhaps are relying on David Sheffield too much to "save" them somehow, or make them more "edgy" (um... presumedly by getting in fights with the coach or some fan that mouths off?) They break my heart over and over, but I love them. If it ever came down to a World Series a la 1986, I would have to root for them, because I'm a sucker for an underdog.
The Sox are awesome to watch, though. They're so consistent, it's sick.
Who's David Sheffield?
Whoops, ha ha. Gary Sheffield.
Ah, my hometown. Actually I left there far too young to consider it my hometown. I do have an older brother who convinced me to root for the socks since I was a kid. However, growing up here in NY, I started watching the Mets and there was a grandfather type figure with whom I watched many games. So when 1986 came I was completely torn. But since I was in NY and my instinct was to go against the grain, I went for my "sawx." The whole thing was ugly to me.
Anyway, please don't get the wrong idea about all Sox fans when you get up there. This is a new breed. There were lots of long-suffering fans up until 2004. Fans that were knowledgeable, fans that were humble. I personally am not comfortable with this new Red Sox. It reminds me too much of the dreaded Yankee. First a Yankee empire, now a Sox Nation.
If you get a chance, see if they still do the Fenway tour. It's been a few years since I went but for like $9 they take you around the park, through the normally private areas. They even let you walk on the field and in the dugout. It's a hoot to slap your hand against the green monster. At least I thought it was.
Also, because the "Sawx" are so dominant nowadays, I'm throwing my support behind the Mets this year. After the rough finishes the past few years, they sort of endeared themselves to me. Besides, they are a natural rival to the evil Yankee.
i want to see you in boston! i promise not to wear a pink hat...
See you soon, my dahlink!
The Mets very pathetic losses in the past two years definitely have done nothing to endear them to me, quite the opposite. However, I think one of the best things about baseball is it's unpredictability (no matter how many statistics are involved). So, I'm gonna say all this let-down disappointment bullshit is just going to make it that much sweeter when they do win.
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