Well, not really. Here are some videos that might make you giggle, as they do me. Or is it, "do I"? Well, grammar aside, enjoy:
The Legend of Crampus!
This makes me very happy.
Better Off Dead Christmas
Old Gregg
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
That's not a B movie, but the title to the latest Masocast, featuring Me!
Follow this link and know more about me than you or I will ever be comfortable with: http://www.masocast.com/2011/12/04/mistress-veronicas-zombieporn-hippiedippie-extravaganza/
Follow this link and know more about me than you or I will ever be comfortable with: http://www.masocast.com/2011/12/04/mistress-veronicas-zombieporn-hippiedippie-extravaganza/
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Venus In Fur
No, I didn't get the name wrong, that's the title of a play on Broadway that I saw a few weeks ago. It is a two person, no intermission play about a playwright who is auditioning actresses to be Wanda in a rendition of the old book by Sacher-Masoch. And I have to say, it is tremendous.
There are so many different layers to the characters, so many things they realize about themselves, so many things they bring to light about BDSM, play, beauty, gender identification, etc. I could not recommend it more highly. It is the first kind of any media I've ever seen, read, heard, etc., that gave a clear idea of what a healthy BDSM dynamic can embody. And it made the concept digestible for the general (well, maybe New York theater-going) public. I did infact, see it last year when it was playing in the East Village (the same actress was Wanda) and bringing it to Broadway definitely made it a bit more "accessible" I suppose. The actors seemed to be talking more slowly and the jokes may be more slapstick, but all in all, I enjoyed it again. Even if there was a 70 year old lady coughing her lungs out in the front row.
It made me think about what exactly men are wanting not just from women in general, but specifically in a BDSM context. I feel that (as I've written before) certain men need (and perhaps women do too) to be submissive to a goddess-like figure. If you think about the imagery in many of our photos, they do tend to invoke a sort of Kali-like figure. An unforgiving, yet seductive goddess whose wrath is imminent. However, there are many such archetypical figures a domme photo may take on. In mine, I tend to inject them with playfulness and humor. Many people stick with the vinyl or latex-clad untouchable persona, and others still even pose in bikinis.
However! Back to the play... It deconstructs the book in a very charming way, even raising questions many feminist theorists would raise about it, such as: is he forcing her into a dominant role, or does she really want it? Therefore, is the role of ice queen "dominant" in this sense even really dominant if it is specifically for another's pleasure? After this, a series of twists and turns take place (oh, I don't want to ruin it for you, but I sooo do!), and we are left at the end wondering whether (or perhaps knowing outright) a goddess had just visited him in the night, reflecting back to him his prejudices, his simplifications, his banalities, and his sexuality.
It is simply exquisite. Get tickets now! And think of me...

There are so many different layers to the characters, so many things they realize about themselves, so many things they bring to light about BDSM, play, beauty, gender identification, etc. I could not recommend it more highly. It is the first kind of any media I've ever seen, read, heard, etc., that gave a clear idea of what a healthy BDSM dynamic can embody. And it made the concept digestible for the general (well, maybe New York theater-going) public. I did infact, see it last year when it was playing in the East Village (the same actress was Wanda) and bringing it to Broadway definitely made it a bit more "accessible" I suppose. The actors seemed to be talking more slowly and the jokes may be more slapstick, but all in all, I enjoyed it again. Even if there was a 70 year old lady coughing her lungs out in the front row.
It made me think about what exactly men are wanting not just from women in general, but specifically in a BDSM context. I feel that (as I've written before) certain men need (and perhaps women do too) to be submissive to a goddess-like figure. If you think about the imagery in many of our photos, they do tend to invoke a sort of Kali-like figure. An unforgiving, yet seductive goddess whose wrath is imminent. However, there are many such archetypical figures a domme photo may take on. In mine, I tend to inject them with playfulness and humor. Many people stick with the vinyl or latex-clad untouchable persona, and others still even pose in bikinis.
However! Back to the play... It deconstructs the book in a very charming way, even raising questions many feminist theorists would raise about it, such as: is he forcing her into a dominant role, or does she really want it? Therefore, is the role of ice queen "dominant" in this sense even really dominant if it is specifically for another's pleasure? After this, a series of twists and turns take place (oh, I don't want to ruin it for you, but I sooo do!), and we are left at the end wondering whether (or perhaps knowing outright) a goddess had just visited him in the night, reflecting back to him his prejudices, his simplifications, his banalities, and his sexuality.
It is simply exquisite. Get tickets now! And think of me...

Saturday, November 5, 2011
I don't give a flying fuck...
What you do for a living. In fact, I prefer if you're a plumber, or an MTA employee, or blue collar in general, because they are the people who really have to make an effort to see me.
Recently I've had a flurry of requests from people trying to win my "approval"...? By telling me that they are Wall Street affiliated (yeah, that's legit... NOT) or in some way a pillar of their community. No offense, but that means nothing. Your reputation in the vanilla world has absolutely no effect on how we will interact, or how I will respond to you. In fact, my best clients are people who have to save their pennies to see me. If you really want to session, read my About Page on my website, and assess whether our interests correspond. Even better, scroll down this page and figure out if I'm the kind of person you would like to have a chat with. Better yet, knock yourself out and read the blog in it's entirety. It might entertain you. But don't. Under any circumstances. Think that you have a leg up on anyone else because you're educated, wealthy, or "respected". Write me a nice email. Give as much detail as you can without making it a novel, and then shut up until I contact you.
Recently I've had a flurry of requests from people trying to win my "approval"...? By telling me that they are Wall Street affiliated (yeah, that's legit... NOT) or in some way a pillar of their community. No offense, but that means nothing. Your reputation in the vanilla world has absolutely no effect on how we will interact, or how I will respond to you. In fact, my best clients are people who have to save their pennies to see me. If you really want to session, read my About Page on my website, and assess whether our interests correspond. Even better, scroll down this page and figure out if I'm the kind of person you would like to have a chat with. Better yet, knock yourself out and read the blog in it's entirety. It might entertain you. But don't. Under any circumstances. Think that you have a leg up on anyone else because you're educated, wealthy, or "respected". Write me a nice email. Give as much detail as you can without making it a novel, and then shut up until I contact you.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
We've got mail!
Welcome, everyone, to the updated version of my blog! My web address is still the same, obviously, so don't go freaking out. Find it here http://www.mistressveronicanyc.com if you already haven't (weirdly, because that should be more obvious than coming straight to the blog...). Feel free to leave thoughts, questions, shopping lists, whatever in the comments section. Hopefully I will have my Twitter feed and Follower List to the right ---> as soon as possible.
On another note, the Violent Fems party went off swimmingly as usual. Here is a nice thank you note I received today:
On another note, the Violent Fems party went off swimmingly as usual. Here is a nice thank you note I received today:
Thank you for another awesome party. It once again seemed to be a big success, and I know I had fun. It was great meeting Shae and seeing everyone there. It was particularly nice seeing you again.
Of all that occurred, the most lasting effect came from that fish thing you were using! I have bruises on my thighs from that thing!
! Of course, some of it could also be due to Alex's boots, but I don't think those are what make the marks, I thing it was that darn fish! I like the way the marks look, I think they're awesome. I've washed the tights twice, and I think I can still detect a garlic smell!

I think you missed something that happened at the end of the night, just as I was saying goodbye to the crowd outside. As I turned to leave a large clove fell out from somewhere, I have no idea where. Everyone saw it and said that I was now laying garlic, like a chicken lays eggs. I picked it up to throw it away but Shae told me to put it in my mouth. Then she made me chew it, and swallow it. She stood right next to me so that she could hear the garlic being crunched in my teeth, and watched closely to make sure it was swallowed. That was really aweful. No matter what I did (brush teeth, floss, mouthwash, whiskey), I tasted that garlic all night -- every time I breathed. Yuck! Still, it was memorable!
Great party!
Thanks again.
Thank YOU! And see you at the next one!
Check out the Violent Fems blog for details!! http://www.violentfems.blogspot.com
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Behind the scenes and such of the Attack Parties...
Psychobubbles is the tape model for our body chalk outline!Round table planning of your demise!Outside the clubhouse in broad daylight, looking for men to punish...Gathered around for the raffle!Perverts, perverts, everywhere!See you at BillyMark's on Sunday! See blog below for details!xoxox.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Untitled from miss veronica on Vimeo.
October 9th, 2011 7pm to 11pm. Billymark's West, NYC
Come out and get your ghoul on early with The Fems as we welcome Mistress Shae Flannigan (aka The Humbler) from Los Angeles to play! We are so happy to have her as our guest Mistress, as she is well-known for her expertise in cruelty... muah ha ha! Find her website here: http://www.mistressshae.com/
So don your costume early- put on your Jason mask, paint your face like a scary clown, put on the dress you're ashamed to wear in public- or if you really want to get on my good side, come as a zombie! Zombies in skimpy outfits get extra spanks! However you do it, prepare for spooky kinky fun! If you're an attackee, prepare for your darkest nightmare, ahem, I mean fantasy to come true... As we see fit.
If you've been masturbating in your room to World of Warcraft and don't know who we are, The Violent Fems website is here: http://www.violentfems.com Also, follow our blog: http://www.violentfems.blogspot.com and on Twitter!: @ViolentFems
We consider this party to be far far removed from the run-of-the-mill fetish party in the sense that it is more a theater in the round. We dress up, we have certain people on whom we stage "attacks" (the attackees), we use "gang" implements, mostly, rather than whips and floggers, and we're also friendly. You will not come to the party and stand around being bored waiting for someone to play or for someone to pay attention to you. If you are patient and don't get in our way, we eventually say hello to everyone. You just have to be patient and respectful. Should I state that one more time? Patient and respectful, thanks!
There are two tiers for this party, as you well know: $10 for observers, and $50 for ATTACKEES Don't know what an attackee is, but are interested? PM Mme Veronica on Max Fisch or email me at mistressveronicanyc@gmail.com
**FYI, this party starts early and ends at 11pm usually, so if you show up at 10pm, you might miss a lot of the action!**
Come out and get your ghoul on early with The Fems as we welcome Mistress Shae Flannigan (aka The Humbler) from Los Angeles to play! We are so happy to have her as our guest Mistress, as she is well-known for her expertise in cruelty... muah ha ha! Find her website here: http://www.mistressshae.com/
So don your costume early- put on your Jason mask, paint your face like a scary clown, put on the dress you're ashamed to wear in public- or if you really want to get on my good side, come as a zombie! Zombies in skimpy outfits get extra spanks! However you do it, prepare for spooky kinky fun! If you're an attackee, prepare for your darkest nightmare, ahem, I mean fantasy to come true... As we see fit.
If you've been masturbating in your room to World of Warcraft and don't know who we are, The Violent Fems website is here: http://www.violentfems.com Also, follow our blog: http://www.diariesofthediabolical.blogspot.com and on Twitter!: @ViolentFems
We consider this party to be far far removed from the run-of-the-mill fetish party in the sense that it is more a theater in the round. We dress up, we have certain people on whom we stage "attacks" (the attackees), we use "gang" implements, mostly, rather than whips and floggers, and we're also friendly. You will not come to the party and stand around being bored waiting for someone to play or for someone to pay attention to you. If you are patient and don't get in our way, we eventually say hello to everyone. You just have to be patient and respectful. Should I state that one more time? Patient and respectful, thanks!
There are two tiers for this party, as you well know: $10 for observers, and $50 for ATTACKEES Don't know what an attackee is, but are interested? PM MissVeronicaNYC or email me at mistressveronicanyc@gmail.com.
FYI, this party starts early and ends at 11pm usually, so if you show up at 10pm, you might miss a lot of the action!
So don your costume early- put on your Jason mask, paint your face like a scary clown, put on the dress you're ashamed to wear in public- or if you really want to get on my good side, come as a zombie! Zombies in skimpy outfits get extra spanks! However you do it, prepare for spooky kinky fun! If you're an attackee, prepare for your darkest nightmare, ahem, I mean fantasy to come true... As we see fit.
If you've been masturbating in your room to World of Warcraft and don't know who we are, The Violent Fems website is here: http://www.violentfems.com Also, follow our blog: http://www.diariesofthediabolical.blogspot.com and on Twitter!: @ViolentFems
We consider this party to be far far removed from the run-of-the-mill fetish party in the sense that it is more a theater in the round. We dress up, we have certain people on whom we stage "attacks" (the attackees), we use "gang" implements, mostly, rather than whips and floggers, and we're also friendly. You will not come to the party and stand around being bored waiting for someone to play or for someone to pay attention to you. If you are patient and don't get in our way, we eventually say hello to everyone. You just have to be patient and respectful. Should I state that one more time? Patient and respectful, thanks!
There are two tiers for this party, as you well know: $10 for observers, and $50 for ATTACKEES Don't know what an attackee is, but are interested? PM MissVeronicaNYC or email me at mistressveronicanyc@gmail.com.
FYI, this party starts early and ends at 11pm usually, so if you show up at 10pm, you might miss a lot of the action!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
If you don't absolutely love this...
You're dead inside. For real. Don't even talk to me.
You're the loser, punk!
You're the loser, punk!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Movies Which Incorporate BDSM...
I was sick yesterday, so got a chance to be passively entertained via the internet waaaay more than I intended (isn't that always the way?). As far as wasting time, I think that perhaps I didn't do too badly, as Hulu has (what I would think is only a piece of) The Criterion Collection, a company dedicated to republishing old masterpieces in a high quality format. As most well-known masterpieces have already been remastered, I think Criterion just focuses on small "art house" things... Which would normally make me want to puke blood out of my eyes, but there are a lot of films that are really excellent that have been forgotten about. So, I'm grateful Criterion is around.
To my delight, I managed to find "The Night Porter", starring Charlotte Rampling (meow) which is something people have been telling me for years to see. It's about a former Nazi who is now working as a night porter at a hotel, when one of his old "victims" comes in with her husband. He is part of a cabal of former Nazi's who have all been on trial for their crimes, but because all of the witnesses have "disappeared" (ahem, they killed them), none of the evidence against them has been able to convict. Hence, you can see the conflict of interest when a former prisoner (it is not clear whether she is a Jew, but only that her father was a Socialist) shows up unexpected, who is able to point a finger (although she knows nothing of the Nazi's trials or pending trials). Anyway, hijinks ensue, yadda yadda... Of course I'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen it.
Surprisingly, my issue with the movie was not the explosive taboo situation these characters find themselves in... but the complete ridiculousness of the plot. The stupidity. And the lack of BDSM scenes. Also, it was pretty melodramatic, but I am willing to put up with that if a movie is more than 20 years old. Without giving too much away, there is a severed head given as a gift. Wait, fuck it, in order to do this right I HAVE to spoil it... DON'T READ FURTHER IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THIS PIECE OF SHIT MOVIE:
They lock themselves in his apartment while his Nazi friends sit outside waiting for them to come out. He calls the grocer so they won't go hungry, but Oh No! guess what?? The Nazi guys threaten the grocer so they never get their groceries. So then what?? They starve to death. Sure, I see it's symbolic of what happened to people who were in internment camps or fleeing from them, I can see the significance even of making the former Nazi suffer in a similar way to his prisoners. But what a stupid fucking way of getting them into that situation! Really?? He didn't think the Nazi dudes would talk to the grocer?? REALLY, dumbass? And then they get dressed up and drive away until they run out of gas and the Nazis and shoot them? That is just vague and tragic for the sense of seeming vague and tragic. What is anyone supposed to get out of that? Then there's the scene with Charlotte Rampling singing some Dietrich song topless. Not that I'm complaining about that, but there is an ennui and malaise about the scene which just comes off as being lazy. She's topless and I'm waiting for it to end- that should not be happening. Of course, I could go on and on about the night porter character being a murderer, and the moral ambivalence of the movie, but I have read critical analysis which claims that is what makes the movie interesting. Actually, what makes a movie interesting is having a plot that doesn't make you want to slap your forehead-- the moral ambiguity can be injected later.
To stay on my soapbox a little bit longer (this is my blog, after all), in a lot of movies which deal with BDSM, there is a complete lack of understanding of the most basic elements. Meaning, most of the time, the dynamic between the dom and sub is seen as being inherently abusive. Things are too real, the fire is too hot, they are going to burn themselves- die, break-up, lock one another away, behead one another, etc etc. Why can't there be a movie where people beat each other up, get dressed, hug, and go out to dinner? Where's that movie? "Secretary" is somewhat an example, but I have issues with that one as well.
I guess directing my impatience at "The Night Porter" is pretty unfair, as it is from the 70's. Hardly an era that was as evolved as we claim to be in terms of understanding "aberrant" behaviors. It simply reminded me that there is a complete lack of media (at least, interesting, well-done media) which treats this dynamic as something that is not totally fucked up.
Ultimately, the movie is sensationalism for the sake of it. Without having to go too far into the psychology of the characters (could you figure out why they loved each other that much?), it is provocative (BDSM, Nazism, toplessness, homosexuality, even prostitution) for the sake of it. Without giving any texture or even any compelling reason for making her characters act the way they do. Not even having the characters themselves seem to know why or even question what they're doing.
I did think Charlotte Rampling conveyed her own moral confusion without having much to say... and the scene with the broken glass is pretty good, so here it is:
To my delight, I managed to find "The Night Porter", starring Charlotte Rampling (meow) which is something people have been telling me for years to see. It's about a former Nazi who is now working as a night porter at a hotel, when one of his old "victims" comes in with her husband. He is part of a cabal of former Nazi's who have all been on trial for their crimes, but because all of the witnesses have "disappeared" (ahem, they killed them), none of the evidence against them has been able to convict. Hence, you can see the conflict of interest when a former prisoner (it is not clear whether she is a Jew, but only that her father was a Socialist) shows up unexpected, who is able to point a finger (although she knows nothing of the Nazi's trials or pending trials). Anyway, hijinks ensue, yadda yadda... Of course I'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen it.
Surprisingly, my issue with the movie was not the explosive taboo situation these characters find themselves in... but the complete ridiculousness of the plot. The stupidity. And the lack of BDSM scenes. Also, it was pretty melodramatic, but I am willing to put up with that if a movie is more than 20 years old. Without giving too much away, there is a severed head given as a gift. Wait, fuck it, in order to do this right I HAVE to spoil it... DON'T READ FURTHER IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THIS PIECE OF SHIT MOVIE:
They lock themselves in his apartment while his Nazi friends sit outside waiting for them to come out. He calls the grocer so they won't go hungry, but Oh No! guess what?? The Nazi guys threaten the grocer so they never get their groceries. So then what?? They starve to death. Sure, I see it's symbolic of what happened to people who were in internment camps or fleeing from them, I can see the significance even of making the former Nazi suffer in a similar way to his prisoners. But what a stupid fucking way of getting them into that situation! Really?? He didn't think the Nazi dudes would talk to the grocer?? REALLY, dumbass? And then they get dressed up and drive away until they run out of gas and the Nazis and shoot them? That is just vague and tragic for the sense of seeming vague and tragic. What is anyone supposed to get out of that? Then there's the scene with Charlotte Rampling singing some Dietrich song topless. Not that I'm complaining about that, but there is an ennui and malaise about the scene which just comes off as being lazy. She's topless and I'm waiting for it to end- that should not be happening. Of course, I could go on and on about the night porter character being a murderer, and the moral ambivalence of the movie, but I have read critical analysis which claims that is what makes the movie interesting. Actually, what makes a movie interesting is having a plot that doesn't make you want to slap your forehead-- the moral ambiguity can be injected later.
To stay on my soapbox a little bit longer (this is my blog, after all), in a lot of movies which deal with BDSM, there is a complete lack of understanding of the most basic elements. Meaning, most of the time, the dynamic between the dom and sub is seen as being inherently abusive. Things are too real, the fire is too hot, they are going to burn themselves- die, break-up, lock one another away, behead one another, etc etc. Why can't there be a movie where people beat each other up, get dressed, hug, and go out to dinner? Where's that movie? "Secretary" is somewhat an example, but I have issues with that one as well.
I guess directing my impatience at "The Night Porter" is pretty unfair, as it is from the 70's. Hardly an era that was as evolved as we claim to be in terms of understanding "aberrant" behaviors. It simply reminded me that there is a complete lack of media (at least, interesting, well-done media) which treats this dynamic as something that is not totally fucked up.
Ultimately, the movie is sensationalism for the sake of it. Without having to go too far into the psychology of the characters (could you figure out why they loved each other that much?), it is provocative (BDSM, Nazism, toplessness, homosexuality, even prostitution) for the sake of it. Without giving any texture or even any compelling reason for making her characters act the way they do. Not even having the characters themselves seem to know why or even question what they're doing.
I did think Charlotte Rampling conveyed her own moral confusion without having much to say... and the scene with the broken glass is pretty good, so here it is:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011

If you're a submissive man and you have never heard of this party, then we pity you. We pity you anyway, and we pity you again if you decide to come, because you're in for a wild treat.
We are the Violent Fems, the girl gang that will find you in an alleyway, bust you up, and bust your cherry. Then we'll bust anything else you happen to have still in tact. We're that voracious for boy-pain.
Read more about us here: http://www.violentfems.com
Read our blog here: http://violentfems.blogspot.com
$10 if you'd like to quietly observe and wish you were the pathetic nancy boys whining in pain. You can come to the party at any point from 7pm to 11pm, be warned you might miss the fun if you're too late.
$50 if you'd like to be an "attackee". This means you meet with a Fem in person at least a week before the party to discuss your interests, experience, and limits. If they coincide with ours, then you will be put on the V.I.P. list to be taunted, poked, laughed at, or lashed to the Fems liking.
Please email me, aka Da Kingpin for more details or to make an appointment to play at mistressveronicanyc@gmail.com.
There will be a raffle, prizes (smelly socks, anyone?), and a chance to win a discounted session with a Fem! It's always a good time, and always held at our "Lair", BillyMark's West, in NYC.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
But there's no head!?
I was chatting with a friend who was showing me a picture of a girl who wants to fuck her. As she was about to send the picture, I got all excited, because I had already masturbated four times this morning, and wanted to break my record of 5. I told my friend that I would easily bust one out in about 3 minutes, having already seen a clothed picture of said woman. So, I get the picture, and it's indeed very naked and very hot. My eyes hungrily ate the picture- lingering on her fucking fantastic waist to hip ratio and the size of her areolas. But- it didn't turn me on. I laid there staring at it, expecting to be aroused. It is a beautiful curvy body, just what I like in women, but alas, why couldn't I do it? I was certainly "raring to go". Why couldn't I pull the trigger?
Then my friend said, "It's too bad she didn't include her face." Then I realized, I can't masturbate to a body without a head. (Or at least, I haven't been able to so far). Perhaps it's something I should work on. Is this something most men can do? Is it because I'm female that I need a face? I understand for the purposes of privacy why someone would not want to include their face in a naked photo she is sending to a stranger. But. Man. Ah well, there's plenty of porn out there for me to gorge my hungry eyes on!
Speaking of disembodiedness, check this out, it's kind of brilliant (thanks to Mistress Alex):
Then my friend said, "It's too bad she didn't include her face." Then I realized, I can't masturbate to a body without a head. (Or at least, I haven't been able to so far). Perhaps it's something I should work on. Is this something most men can do? Is it because I'm female that I need a face? I understand for the purposes of privacy why someone would not want to include their face in a naked photo she is sending to a stranger. But. Man. Ah well, there's plenty of porn out there for me to gorge my hungry eyes on!
Speaking of disembodiedness, check this out, it's kind of brilliant (thanks to Mistress Alex):
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
No need to get jealous...
Because you can always come next time! The last Violent Fems party was a few weeks ago, so I am lax in dishing all the details, however, read below and get your fix!
We drowned a Jersey boy. Or rather, made him "bob" for his leash. He
Had a mini birthday bash for a slut who ate cake off our boots while we tooted our noise makers in his ear as loud as we could
Drew on and rode a diapered boy
Tied someone to a pool table and stapled our drink orders to him
Wynter took some extra time to pull certain attackees aside for a righteous caning, as Astrid assisted
Ice down the pants! Can never get enough of that!
Our raffle included: $25 gift cert to PP, half hour free with a VF, and half hour extra time on a group session!
We drowned a Jersey boy. Or rather, made him "bob" for his leash. He
Had a mini birthday bash for a slut who ate cake off our boots while we tooted our noise makers in his ear as loud as we could
Drew on and rode a diapered boy
Tied someone to a pool table and stapled our drink orders to him
Wynter took some extra time to pull certain attackees aside for a righteous caning, as Astrid assisted
Ice down the pants! Can never get enough of that!
Our raffle included: $25 gift cert to PP, half hour free with a VF, and half hour extra time on a group session!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
May 1st! Violent Fems party!
Yes, it's that time again. Our appetite for destruction is insatiable, what can I say? This time, we are proud to welcome Mistress Astrid, aka Piper St. Mark's- the shady lawyer- to the group! You might know her as a fixture at La Domaine, and previously of Arena Studios.
The shindig, as usual, will be at BillyMark's West. Please go to the Diaries of the Diabolical for more info.
~ Da Kingpin
The shindig, as usual, will be at BillyMark's West. Please go to the Diaries of the Diabolical for more info.
~ Da Kingpin
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sexy time...
I can watch this over and over. The women's lips, their expressions, the pink asses... Also, I think it's a pretty decent song. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Beyond Scared Straight!
This sounds like a Twilight Zone episode, but it is actually the name of a new reality show I watched as much as I could possibly stand yesterday. It is the continuation of a documentary from the seventies, as many of you already know called, Scared Straight, in which "at-risk" youth were exposed to prison environments in an attempt to frighten them toward a life of upright citizenship. The movie's creator claims that because only two of the kids ended up in jail, their methods were successful. Well, not so much, claim people who are actual authorities on such matters (even the Surgeon General) yet the show of the same name remains. And the programs in the jails themselves remain. Even though it is has been well established for years that treatments like these work against helping kids. It is, by the way, the most highly rated show A&E has had thus far.
After I recovered from my initial bout of righteous indignation over this unjust inconsistency (signed a petition, etc), the pervert in me (I use "pervert" in the most positive way) crept unabashedly to the front of my brain and made me wonder what I could take away from this in terms of play. I usually take inspiration for my prison scenes from a docu-drama with Ray Winstone called SCUM, in which he plays the "Daddy" of a juvenile detention center in Britain. It includes a scene where one of the young boys comes to his cell, and Winstone offers him the position of his "missus", and therefore, a kind of protection. I don't think I need to explain that to any of you...
Beyond Scared Straight has nothing on that calibre, but there are threats of ownership, ass-raping, and the taunting of fresh meat, which contains a palpable humiliation made more intense by the authenticity of the prisoners. There is one scene where a boy is made to stand near a prisoner who licks his lips and bellows toward him, "You better do your push-ups boy! I need a new cellmate!" This is also the episode where the kids are treated as if they were prisoners (most prisons simply give a tour and then an "interview" with "lifers" toward the end). Of course, any grown up watching the program can tell that the prisoners are having a bit of fun, but the teenagers don't seem to grasp that, which makes it all the more ethically questionable, yet guiltily divine. Most BDSM fantasies require a plunge into the realm of "wrongness", and although I am pretty sure that the program is exploitative, it seems very natural for anyone to be intrigued. Similarly when people stop to watch a fatal accident on the street. Or watch endless news programs interviewing Charlie Sheen.
However, most perverts are not satisfied with simply being voyeurs to this type of trauma. We want to inhabit it. We want to swim around in it and see what comes up. Perhaps, paradoxically, this serves to remove us from the situation, because we get to experience it without real-life consequences. But then, perhaps it is not the particular experience itself we seek out, but the psychological dynamic it can create, and also the logical progression of activities. For example, a prison dynamic has sharply delineated roles of power and almost inevitably will end in ass-fucking. Much of the time it can culminate in a "rape scene", which the mere mention of sends many people off into eeks-ville.
Perhaps we, as perverts (I dislike the term "kinky people") have no shame. Perhaps we simply accept human nature as it is (whatever it is) and do not question it. Perhaps we are braver than voyeurs in the sense that we immerse ourselves for the sake of (hopefully) our own creativity or curiosity. Creating our own docu-dramas, and yet having a clear sense that reality and fantasy are profoundly different, though they tend to mimic each other quite closely.
Perhaps it doesn't matter! Who's getting their ass thrashed? You!
The Beyond Straight Hulu page, so you can watch and share my indignation/voyeuristic compulsion:
And my favorite scene from SCUM...
"More personal den moie Missus?!"
After I recovered from my initial bout of righteous indignation over this unjust inconsistency (signed a petition, etc), the pervert in me (I use "pervert" in the most positive way) crept unabashedly to the front of my brain and made me wonder what I could take away from this in terms of play. I usually take inspiration for my prison scenes from a docu-drama with Ray Winstone called SCUM, in which he plays the "Daddy" of a juvenile detention center in Britain. It includes a scene where one of the young boys comes to his cell, and Winstone offers him the position of his "missus", and therefore, a kind of protection. I don't think I need to explain that to any of you...
Beyond Scared Straight has nothing on that calibre, but there are threats of ownership, ass-raping, and the taunting of fresh meat, which contains a palpable humiliation made more intense by the authenticity of the prisoners. There is one scene where a boy is made to stand near a prisoner who licks his lips and bellows toward him, "You better do your push-ups boy! I need a new cellmate!" This is also the episode where the kids are treated as if they were prisoners (most prisons simply give a tour and then an "interview" with "lifers" toward the end). Of course, any grown up watching the program can tell that the prisoners are having a bit of fun, but the teenagers don't seem to grasp that, which makes it all the more ethically questionable, yet guiltily divine. Most BDSM fantasies require a plunge into the realm of "wrongness", and although I am pretty sure that the program is exploitative, it seems very natural for anyone to be intrigued. Similarly when people stop to watch a fatal accident on the street. Or watch endless news programs interviewing Charlie Sheen.
However, most perverts are not satisfied with simply being voyeurs to this type of trauma. We want to inhabit it. We want to swim around in it and see what comes up. Perhaps, paradoxically, this serves to remove us from the situation, because we get to experience it without real-life consequences. But then, perhaps it is not the particular experience itself we seek out, but the psychological dynamic it can create, and also the logical progression of activities. For example, a prison dynamic has sharply delineated roles of power and almost inevitably will end in ass-fucking. Much of the time it can culminate in a "rape scene", which the mere mention of sends many people off into eeks-ville.
Perhaps we, as perverts (I dislike the term "kinky people") have no shame. Perhaps we simply accept human nature as it is (whatever it is) and do not question it. Perhaps we are braver than voyeurs in the sense that we immerse ourselves for the sake of (hopefully) our own creativity or curiosity. Creating our own docu-dramas, and yet having a clear sense that reality and fantasy are profoundly different, though they tend to mimic each other quite closely.
Perhaps it doesn't matter! Who's getting their ass thrashed? You!
The Beyond Straight Hulu page, so you can watch and share my indignation/voyeuristic compulsion:
And my favorite scene from SCUM...
"More personal den moie Missus?!"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fuck Yeah, Motherfuckers.

We only have space for observers to come to the party right now. That means all the "attackee" spots have been taken, and only the $10 tier of admission is currently available. But hey, paying $10 to meet all of us and watch us play is still a really fucking great opportunity, so don't be a puss and come out!
This Sunday 7pm @ Billymark's West on 29th st and 9th ave.
Tell the door guy Da Kingpin sent you.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My hand fell in love with a hot little ass...
Dear Sub X,
I just want to say I had a fantastic time the other night. Your ass was so fucking hot. To look at and to touch. No, I mean, it was physically hot. And red. And had little purple marks on it where my hands pounded you multiple times. Right in your sweet spot. Right in the place where your ass curves. The meaty part. The part that I wanted to bite.
You weren't expecting me to put a glove on, were you? I watched as the puzzlement crawled over your face. I grabbed the lube. Your eyes got wider. Squirming on my lap, I tickled your asshole, watching it wink at me. Responding with my lap to your wiggle. Holding your head down and petting you. You didn't protest. You took it and it made you wiggle more violently, rapturously. You moaned. I’m sure you would have cum if I had let you. Afterward, you told me you’d never done that before. I am glad I was your first.
I just want to say I had a fantastic time the other night. Your ass was so fucking hot. To look at and to touch. No, I mean, it was physically hot. And red. And had little purple marks on it where my hands pounded you multiple times. Right in your sweet spot. Right in the place where your ass curves. The meaty part. The part that I wanted to bite.
You weren't expecting me to put a glove on, were you? I watched as the puzzlement crawled over your face. I grabbed the lube. Your eyes got wider. Squirming on my lap, I tickled your asshole, watching it wink at me. Responding with my lap to your wiggle. Holding your head down and petting you. You didn't protest. You took it and it made you wiggle more violently, rapturously. You moaned. I’m sure you would have cum if I had let you. Afterward, you told me you’d never done that before. I am glad I was your first.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Interview With Amanda Wildefyre...
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